Join us at 33rd Annual EAIE Conference and Exhibition!


This year’s conference theme is ‘Connecting currents’ and the event will take place at Rotterdam Ahoy. 


During the conference, Merito Group's representatives Paulina Witomska (Merito Universities Development Center, Poland) and Krzysztof Koj (WSB Merito University in Poznan, Poland) will deliver a speech on:


How can Universities implement effective internationalisation strategies in times of conflict?


When it comes to internationalisation strategies and their implementation in times of political unrest and military conflict, how can we adapt to changes and help those in need? How should a university redefine its strategic objectives, budgets and key activities, and how can it best assess a situation that is constantly changing? This session will present a perspective from Poland on how universities can play a key role and address the needs of all their international students.


Be with Paulina and Krzysztof on Wednesday 27.09, from 15:30 to 16:30.


More info about the conference:




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